
Rules for a Football Pool
with Confidence Rankings

Important Definitions
confidence ranking - This measures how confident (or unconfident) you are that the team you chose to cover will in fact cover. This is a number between 1 and the number of games played in a week. When making your picks, you can not specify the same number more than once. See below for more help on confidence rankings.
General Rules
This football pool covers the regular season of the American professional football league. There are 18 weeks in the regular season, and this football pool spans all 18 weeks.
Each week you'll submit who you think will win each football game. For the last game of the week (usually Monday night) you will specify the total number of points you think will be scored in that game. For each pick you make, you will enter how confident you are that the team you picked will win. This 'confidence ranking' is any number between 1 and the number of games played for that week, with one (1) being the least confident (see below for a further explanation on confidence rankings). For each game you choose correctly, you will receive the confidence ranking score that you specified for that game. The confidence ranking score will be added up for each game you get correct. The player with the highest score will win the pool for that week. If there is a tie, the player that is closest to the actual total points scored in the last game of the week will win the tiebreaker. If there is a tie after that, the winnings will be split up between those players.
Deadline For Submitting Picks
Picks are due at the start of the first game of each week.
Help On Confidence Rankings
Confidence Rankings are used to determine how confident you are that a team you choose will cover the point spread. For each game you will enter a number between 1 and the number of scheduled games for that week. You can not use the same number more than once. The confidence ranking is actually the number of points you will score for correctly picking the team that covers. For each game that you correctly pick, your points will be totaled up. The player that has the highest point total will the pool for that week.
Here is an example:
Say there are five games this week. The range of confidence ranking numbers that you can use is 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Remember, you can only use each number once. The 'X' next to the team names denotes who you chose to win. The Confidence Ranking column indicates how confident you are that the team you chose will actually win. You entered '5' to indicate that you are most confident that Oakland will beat New England. You entered '1' to indicate that you are least confident that Green Bay will actually beat Houston.
NOTE: For sake of simplicity, point spreads will not be used in this example.
Visitor Team Home Team
4 x Dallas   Kansas City
1   Houston x Green Bay
3 x Arizona   St. Louis
2   Seattle x New York
5 x Oakland   New England
Say the winners are Dallas, Houston, Arizona, Seattle, Oakland
You correctly picked Dallas, Arizona, and Oakland.
Your point total would be: 4 + 3 + 5 = 12 points.
Your point total for the week would be 12 points since you received:
4 points for correctly picking Dallas to win.
0 points for incorrectly picking Green Bay to win.
3 points for correctly picking Arizona to win.
0 points for incorrectly picking New York to win.
5 points for correctly picking Oakland to win.
12 points total
For more help on confidence rankings, talk to your pool administrator.